Over the past 12 months there has been a huge increase in the number of companies that are now using blockchain, including all major global banks, all of the stock exchanges, insurance companies, healthcare, many governments are using blockchain for distribution of benefits etc. When I started in crypto 4 or so years ago, it was fledgling and most people didn’t understand it, or believe in it.
In addition, Facebook has announced its new cryptocurrency, Libra, which is backed by ebay, Visa, stripe, PayPal, Mastercard, Spotify, Women’s World Banking, Coinbase, Facebook, Iliad, Vodaphone, Uber, Lyft, Andreessen Horowitz just for starters. This has given crypto a giant shot of credibility and now over 21 million people have at least a small slice of Bitcoin. There can only ever be a maximum of 21 million Bitcoin. As a consequence, Bitcoin is now at $11,100, up from $5000 just 2 months ago.

People continually ask me whether it is too late to get in to crypto, and secondly, what should they buy? Well, in my opinion, you can’t go wrong with Bitcoin. You will have some ups and downs but overall I think it will do well. I have taken on board some of what Marius Kramer thinks are good prospects below, but what do I know? In the very short term:
- DENT, because of strong end to Q2.
- VET, because they just closed Walmart and PwC.
- BAT, because its price has been on a downward spiral for 2 months yet more downloads than the biggest browser on Android, Chrome. Oversold? Likely direction is up.
Over the next 12 months:
- BAT, as above
- IOTA, when they launch Shimmer, probably towards the end of the year
- HOLO, when they launch their mainnet, probably in fall
- BNB, because they are the coin with the most revenue of all in crypto.
- DENT, because they have already 17.4 million users and a possible revenue of $20M pa.
- NEXO, because they have the whole lending market in crypto for themselves and are already at $17.5M in annual revenue
- ETH, once they launch Sharding in 2020
- ENJ, once they are getting deeper and deeper implemented in the Samsung ecosystem.
- VET, because they just closed Walmart and PwC. The best marketing & partnerships team in all of crypto and they’ve proven their position again.
- Theta, because they are the decentralized YouTube and already have around 1 million users and $16M annual revenue.
- Travala, A tiny coin, but doing so much. The traveling market is also huge.
- BOMB, because it’s a fun and smart cryptocurrency and very deflationary. Just a very smart concept from which we will likely see a lot in the next couple of months.
- Uulala, catering to the 2 billion unbanked Latino market.
But, as I said, what do I know. If you go broke, don’t blame me and if you make millions, I’m Bob Pritchard and my birthday is June 20th.
A ransomware bandit tried to rob a department store… With a pricing gun… They said, “Give me all of the money in the vault in Bitcoin or I’m marking down everything in the store.”