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SHOW TITLE: Big brother is watching you

The West Hollywood Chamber of Commerce which was set up in 1921 is very cool and my interview guest today is Geneveve Morrill who in 1999 came to work in West Hollywood as Director of Marketing for the magnificent Pacific Design Center. Within four years’ she became Vice President of PDC. In 2010 she became President and CEO for the West Hollywood Chamber of Commerce.
Geneveve has increased membership of the WEHO chamber by over 20%, strengthened financial stability, developed, new programs and promotions that drive traffic and value members, and implemented an award-winning website which receives 15,000 referrals per day for businesses. She is also an LA County Business License Commissioner, and serves as President for WC3 encompassing 13 Westside Chambers. She has a whole bunch more accolades, but that probably is enough for now. This interview also coincides with the start of Pride month and in the week of the West Hollywood Pride which is a fabulous march and party in WEHO.