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SHOW TITLE: Climate change hurts most vulnerable

My guest today is Paul O’Byrne. He is an impact specialist in the cultural/creative industries. Paul most recently worked with Cate Blanchett and Andrew Upton, leading their social impact, community and environmental sustainability initiatives for five years. Paul has broad experience in building strategic, cross-sector partnerships and the creation of programs for strategic, financial and social impact in the cultural sector and creative businesses.
Paul isan expert creative entrepreneur, helping companies conceive, lead, deliver and evaluate major change programs, turning their business problems into long-term assets. Paul has broad experience across a range of leading creative, arts & cultural businesses, working with executive/teams to assess the real strategic need, identify the best path, identify new funding / revenue opportunities, solve complex problems and drive the project with cross-sector stakeholders to deliver lasting value.
Paul has been a successful startup founder, major event manager, social entrepreneur, environmental and corporate change-maker.