The Bob Pritchard Radio Show – 25th March 2014


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SHOW TITLE:    How To Handle Negative Publicity On The Web Or In Social Media

Kathy CramerMY GUEST Kathy Cramer, Ph.D., is the founder and managing partner of The Cramer Institute in St. Louis, MO. She pioneered the development of Asset-Based Thinking approaches to coaching, consulting, and training, and inspiring individuals and organisations. Author of seven books.  The latest release in the Asset-Based Thinking series, Lead Positive:  What Highly Effective Leaders See, Say, and Do.

Kathy also founded Saint Louis University Medical Center’s HealthLine and was named director of its Stress Center.  Under her leadership, programs in corporate wellness, stress prevention, and lifestyle improvement were adopted nationwide by more than 300 corporations, 60 hospitals, and the United States Air Force.
