The Bob Pritchard Radio Show – 17th March 2015


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SHOW TITLE:    Some Pending Scientific Advances Are Mind Blowing

markcasualMy friend Mark Goulston from the Goulston Group, helps companies and organizations to create a “gotta have it” response to their products and services.  He does this by teaching Founders, CEO’s and innovators to think like Steve Jobs. When you create a “gotta have it!” attitude, that almost immediately crosses over to a “gonna buy it,” mindset.  This means you never need to sell… you just take sales orders. 
  On a personal level, Mark has been a “people hacker” for more than thirty years, originally hacking into the psyche of suicidal patients to help them discover a reason and desire to live.  Then he hacked into the psyche of hostage takers so that they turn themselves peacefully over to FBI and police.
