


Research has shown that companies perform better when constructed of team units consisting of up to 10 people. Highly effective teams can achieve extraordinary results for reasons not unlike ‘Best Ball Golf’. While 4 scratch golfers may all consistently shoot 72-74, playing Best Ball they will score in the low 60’s consistently.

Companies with a strong team structure can dramatically increase revenue sales, productivity, customer satisfaction and earnings while decreasing costs. In the case of General Electric, productivity, customer satisfaction and earnings while decreasing cost. In the case of General Electric, productivity increased by 40% a year with cost per customer down 18% a year.

All of the tasks outlined in this program should be considered using a white board/flip chart and prepared individual work sheets.

There are 4 elements to effective teams:

Customer Centric Direction Understanding Accountability

Customer Elements

This can apply to customers or suppliers. The Challenge, Vision, Mission, Goals Self, team, company Self team, company

identification of internal and external customers clear understanding of customer’s current and future requirement’s and expectations.

Direction Elements

determining a clear vision defining a specific mission, purpose and focus State designed and results, priorities, and specific actions to achieve them


The corporate culture, operational and political mechanisms Strengths and weaknesses, personality of each member The dynamics of team approaches to creativity research, problem solving


Ensuring the teams methods and work. Team members agree on rules to work together. Planning process established to ensure tasks are done the right way and on schedule.

Team Structure.

Team can be established for short, medium or long term. Team can be made up of peers, interdepartmental, simple department, single or multi location, and single or multi disciplines. Tam function can be to conduct full or specific reviews, across one facet or a complete operation. Team function can be to conduct full or specific reviews, across one facet or a complete operation. Teams can simply make recommendations or be responsible for implementation. As the team progresses and new information is ascertained, additional expertise may be added or initial team members replaces. When new member join, the disciplines,

A) Working Efficiency.

1. Members have a clear purpose, are motivated, enthusiastic
2. Totally focused on satisfying customers.
3. Members feel accountable for the team results
4. They are 100% clear about their individual roles
5. They produce results that no one individual could
6. Vigorous yet amicable discussion yet accept the leaders decisions
7. Members are objective, not afraid to be critical, no politics
8. Everything is open, honest and candid
9. Members collaborate, identify best solution
10. Team totally focused on the goals and objectives.

Total. Points

_________ _________

B) Customer Centric

1. All internal customers have been identified
2. All external customers have been classified
3. Both internal and external customers have been prioritized
4. We have met with all internal and external customer
5. We understand what each customer needs and expects now
6. We understand how their requirements may change in the future
7. We understand the strengths and weaknesses of our competitors from each

operating procedure and accountability must be fully explained and debated. The team must not be allowed to lose its structure. It is valuable to conduct team meetings away from your current environment. This does not have to be offsite, just in a fresh location.

Team meetings must be held without distraction. The team leader must; participate without dominating listen to others views and encourage consensus. Strictly maintain the focus and agenda

Mediate any conflicts, and force out operating agreements. Discourage the dominant, encourage the passive. Promote sense of teamwork.

How Effective is Your Team? 5 Tests.

Each question is to be allocated a value between 0 (poor) an 10 (excellent)

Note: In my view the strength and effectiveness of a team increases dramatically as they learn collectively. I believe it is extremely valuable for a team to begin each meeting listening or watching a tape of a communications/management/teamwork expert for 10 minutes, followed by 10 minutes discussion. The teams invariably introduce these best practices into their discussions.

C) Direction.
customer’s perspective.

8. We know each customers satisfaction/dissatisfaction with us.
9. We consistently review our customers on these issues


________ ________

1. We understand precisely what management expects of our team.
2. We understand the parameters of our work and the boundaries we can push.
3. We are motivated and inspired by the team’s vision.
4. We all agree on our path and tasks to be undertaken.
5. We are all working for the team result, not individuals.
6. We all maximize our own skills and push our envelopes for the good of the teams result.
7. We understand both management and our own achievement measures
8. We encourage other team members to critically analyze our work.
9. We will support the best ideas under all circumstances.
10. We share a vision for our long-term goals for the team.

Total _________

D) Understanding.

1. In our team everyone always helps each other
2. I know my own weaknesses and strengths and when to seek help.
3. I know everyone else in the team’s weaknesses and strengths and when to offer help.
4. We have frank open discussions on all issues.
5. Once discussions are made all team members support them.
6. We understand the company and how our team fits into the big picture.
7. We focus on achieving the team’s goals.
8. We have established a strong customer feedback system.
9. We do not hesitate in consulting management for advice and guidance.
10. We know ho to get company resources to support our teamwork.

E) Accountability.

1. We follow a clear set of values and guidelines in our work.
2. We follow our operating guidelines and agreements.
3. We have a correction mechanism in place if our ‘teamwork’ breaks down.
4. We have determined the format for reading team decisions.
5. We clearly define each person’s role to cover all aspects of an issue.
6. We understand our responsibilities, communication lines.
7. We work to a prioritized list of goals.
8. We have a critical path for milestones and completion dates.
9. We consistently review the requirements of the organization.
10. We have a clear plan to implement our work.


Analysis of Performance Review.

1. Tally the individual team members points score for each question, divide by the number of team members.

2. Assessment of performance is made by both individual question and segment total.

3. An average of 7 for any question or segment is good.

An average of 5 for any question or segment is average. An average of less than 5 for any question or segment is unacceptable.


__________ __________

__________ __________


Work Sheets.

Customer Centric Business today is totally about the customer. Without a customer you have no business.

Notes: In order to understand this element of the program you need to include brainstorming, interviews, and research and one on one dialog with the customer.

1. Identify the customer (i) Customers can be internal or external, regulators, production personnel,

dispatch, and sales management, board of director. It includes everyone

who has a vested interest in the company operating at maximum efficiency. (ii) Group the customers under two lists; internal and external. (iii) Prioritize the internal and external customers. (iv) Ascertain if the requirements of any customers, internal or external are in

conflict list details in notes.

Internal Customers External Customers

Customer Name Notes Priority Customer NameNotes

2. Customer Interviews.


(i) Two members of your team meet with all internal and external customers. (ii) Arrange to meet again after your full review is completed.

3. Customer needs and expectations. Notes. Information ascertained by face-to-face discussions, interviews.


(ii) (iii)

(iv) (v)

This aspect does not only include the nature of the product, delivery schedule but also ease of ordering, availability of information, accounting, after sales service, delivery updates, handling of complaints. How can a ‘wow factor (added value or service) be introduced at every customer interaction.

How do we ensure when customer comes to the office they can park, are greeted appropriately, are given utmost consideration when requesting an appointment that appropriate follow ups are conducted after a meeting or call. Establish feedback mechanisms for every element of customer needs and expectations. Establish regular customer consulting procedures.

Customer Contacts 4. Customer Priorities.

Added Wow Factor Feedback Mechanisms

Notes. Based on the 10 dimensions of service quality detailed in ‘Quality counts in Service Too’ by Berry, Zeithami, Parasuraman. Information a customer priorities to be obtained from face to face briefing. (i)

(ii) Customer Priorities

Assign apriority to each dimension out of 10 for each customer. Clearly articulate what each customer needs and expects from each dimension.

Customer Name___________________

Importance Ranking



Precisely what it means to the customer


Consistency of Performance


Timelines, readiness to provide service, flexibility


Required skills to do the job Correctly


Approachability and Ease of Contacts


Politeness, respect, Appearance


Listening, sharing information, keeping in touch.


Believability, Durability Promised


Freedom from risk discretion, confidentially professionalism


Clarifying requirements & needs, individual attention


Physical evidence, tools, personal faults

5. Customer Expectations. Notes. Information obtained from brainstorming, dialog with customers. You should visit the customer’s premises in order to understand their operation, requirements, and psyche.

(i) List the various elements of your business with each customer. Elements may be: quoting, delivery, quality levels, pricing, customer service, communication, quarantines, etc.

(ii) Be specific. Is accuracy 90% or 99%; is timelines, 14 days, 21 days? Customer service immediate, within 24 hours, is defective items to be replaced, refunded?

Customer Name

Business Element

Customer Expectation

6. Crisis Management


(i) List of all the critical interactions with your customer where things could go wrong. (ii) Clearly identify the customer’s problems should a mistake occur. (iii) Create a plan to be able to overcome these problems immediately should any one of

these difficulties occur. (iv) Discuss these remedies with the customer to ensure they are adequate.

Crisis Management Plan.

Potential Crisis

Problem Caused

Immediate response

External Customer Interviews – Objectives

1. Obtain an understanding of the customer business, its operation and their clients.
2. Understand all of the products/services you supply to the customer.
3. Clearly understand the use to which each your products/services are put, how they are used, seasonality, stock levels etc.
4. Are there any products or services you provide that they currently purchase from a competitor?
5. Ascertain the specific reasons why. 6. What are the most important needs and expectations from our company (Discuss Customer Priorities – Form 4, Customer Expectations Form
6. Note. Crisis management plan –Form 6 is discussed at the follow up meeting when all information has been reviewed and team strategies finalized)
7. Determine any problems they have had dealing with our company.
8. Determine where they would like to see improvements.

Internal Customer Interviews – Objectives

1. Gain an understanding of what products and services you provide them and why.
2. How does their department work, who is advised of the work and how.
3. What problems have been experienced in the past?
4. Can the flow of information/product be improved? If so, how?

Work Sheets.


For a team to be successful it must have clear direction, specific goals and objectives. All of the team members must share these visions.

The Challenge

(i) Management must clearly define the mission to each member of the team.
(ii) The team must clearly understand its responsibilities and objectives.
(iii) Team members must have the expertise, experience and resources necessary.
(iv) Who is the team leader? Do they have full support?
(v) When and how do they report to management? The Challenge Worksheet

1. What is the function of this team? Why is it important?
2. Detail the range of competencies possessed by the team.
3. How and when does the team report to management?
4. Detail all of the issues the team is developing.
5. What results are expected?
6. What measurement systems will be established

2. Vision. Your vision is the future of what you are looking and the benefits it will bring.

(i) (ii) (iii) (iv)

Each member of the team conceptualizes his or her vision. Look to the achievement of the established mission and then beyond. Consider the benefits of your work to your customer in the long term. How does the team want to be seen by management and beyond


A companies mission statement defines your business and the reason for it. The mission statement defines your uniqueness.

(i) What is the companies business, what are its objectives? (ii) What is the specific division in, what are its objectives/ (iii) What is the division products or services? (iv) What is unique about the division?

(v) What issues are important in the division? (vi) Why does the customer need you? (vii) What values drive your work? (viii) Develop words or phrases into a number of options. (ix) Combine the options until unanimous agreement is reached.

Mission Statement. Complete this statement. __________________________


____________________________ (for whom)

4. Goals and objectives.

exists to _____________________________ (do what)

________________________________ (why?)

Determine what the goals are that will take you toward the Vision and achieve the mission. Also establish the objectives, what will be done, when and by whom.

(i) Decide on the goals to be accomplished (goals)? (ii) What are the specific objectives to be accomplished? (iii) What strategy will be used by individuals and the team to achieve the objectives? (iv) What is the timetable to achieve the objectives? (v) Establish a work sheet for each goal. (vi) Prioritize the goals according to their value and urgency. (vii) Put a time limit on all discussions. Initially provide each team member with a specific among of

time to explain his or her views and for the information to be put on the whiteboard. Following discussions to explore ideas and reach consensus to specify a time for the group.

Define Goal



Time Frame

Measurement process

Work Sheets.


Acknowledging each team member’s strengths and weaknesses, accepting and encouraging a diversity of views, support each other to maximize potential.

Understanding the corporate and its structure maximizes implementation potential.

1. Self

(i) Evaluate each team members experience and expertise. (ii) What are your specific strengths and weakness? (iii) Which team members will your skill set best assist? (iv) What are your positive hot buttons?

(v) What actions, attitudes words etc., really annoy you? (vi) What is your personal objective from being on the team?



Positive Buttons

Negative Buttons


2. Understanding how to maximize the team’s performance. (i) Proposing (ii) Building on another’s ideas, validating other ideas (iii) Requesting support information

(iv) Seeking Suggestions, involving others (v) Offering information (vi) Clarifying

(vii) (viii) (ix) (x)

Summarizing Mediating Compromising Reaching consensus.

3. Understanding Practices that minimize the team’s performance. (i) Interrupting (ii) Unreasonably defending your position. (iii) Being judgmental

(iv) Ignoring others (v) Sarcasm (vi) Being Domineering or Authoritive

4. Rate your team progress. As the team works together more, the team spirit, cooperation and improved communication should result.

(i) To rate progress, at the conclusion of each meeting have each person rate the points 1-10 scale, 10 being excellent in the understanding how to maximize the teams performance and 1- 6 in understanding practices that minimize the teams performance this time using 10 if the practice did not occur, 1 if it happened frequently.

(ii) After each has been rated, hold a group discussion on discrepancies in scoring any point. (iii) Discuss how to improve any point with a score lower than 8.

5. Left Brain verses Right Brain. When developing programs teams need to balance the pragmatic, detailed logical left brain approach

with the creative, emotional concepts of the right brain. To ensure consensus is maximized it is important for team members to realize where the preferred prognostic balance lies.

(i) For each project list the various areas of discussion. (ii) On the worksheet each team member puts a mark in one color where they believe the

currently discussed solution is placed between creative and pragmatic. A second mark is made

in a different color where each member believes the implement able solution ought to be. (iii) Where there is a significant difference between any team member’s two marks the team should

discuss the issue, make compromises and reach a consensus. (iv) If there are 10 elements in the implementation phase of the specific project, each element

should be listed and evaluated.

Task. Pragmatic, Disciplined Creative, Visionary



Implementation Element 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

Measurement Strategy

Reporting Structure



(i) (ii) (iii) (iv)



(ii) (iii)

Reporting Structures. Notes. The team needs to report its findings and recommendations to management to nsure a successful result for the team; it is essential to understand clearly what management requires. It is also critical for the team to understand the expectations and working style of the team leader.

In what form do you want a) individual reports to a team leader, b) combined team reports to management, to be presented. Do management require written reports followed by a meeting or reports tabled in a face-to-face presentation with supporting documents.

Find out from the team leader and management what their hot buttons, unacceptable practices are. Timetables should be established for each team members individual work/research etc., all team discussions, team meetings, updates to management, final report dates and so on.

The team needs to discuss with management ho implementation will be achieved, the commitment of the organization to change, what are the obstacles, if any, does the company have any cultural philosophies or rules that may be a barrier to any recommended change no matter how desirable?

Audit of Required/Desired Change. Notes. Businesses/organizations often require substantial cultural/operational change to make them more relative to the current market plan environment and/or more effective/competitive. 1) It is often advisable to establish a team that spends time going through the whole organization, department by department, talking to management and staff about their work practices, frustrations, ideas etc., then reviewing these individually and as a team, then making recommendations that are desirable and practical.

The individual team members can rate the current position performance of the company across of range of functions and a final team consensus agreed. These can be automatic leadership style, closed management, no employee training, product not customer driven, through to programs such as childcare.

The desired position/performance is evaluated in a similar manner. The challenges faced in implementing the desired changes are determined and the steps required to effect change are discussed and recommended.

(iv) Change will/should not be implemented for change sake. The positive and negative effects of all recommended change should be qualified as justification.

(v) A timetable for implementing the changes, individual tasks, communication strategies etc. are determined.

(vi) Regular performance measures and review meeting times are determined.

Required /Desired Change.


Current Position

Desired Position

Projected Result of Change

Time Frame for C



Internally, any team must have rules on how meetings will be run, who will conduct them, what conditions of conduct will apply, who will undertake what tasks and how conflicts will be resolved. Externally, teams need to understand who to report to, when and in what manner. They also need to be aware of the resources that will be needed and how to obtain them.

1.Values and Beliefs. Notes. By clearly stating values and beliefs the team can stay within the guidelines, ensure maximum cooperation and consensus and efficient operation. (i) Each member of the team expressed a set of values the team should operate

by. (ii) These values could include honesty, trusting the judgment of team members,

how to address differences of opinion approaching every project with a positive attitude, always ensuring the customer is a priority, appreciating the need to build repeat business for higher profibilty and lower cost.

(iii) The applications of each of these values are then extrapolated into precise applications.

Eg. Honesty. Provide customer with precise details of product/service including any negatives. Provide real delivery dates. Be upfront immediately if a problem occurs. Address and be forthright about difficult issues with internal and external customers and management.

2. Operating Agreemements. Notes. These establish clear guidelines for discussion and dispute resolution.

(i) All team members will have their viewpoints heard. (ii) All members will listen, probe, question positively and objectively. (iii) All members will openly solicit other team member’s opinions. (iv) When a team member disobeys the guidelines, the breach will be openly brought

to order. (v) Our agenda will be prepared for every meeting and agreed upon by all members.

This will stipulate discussion points, times for individual and group discussions,

breaks, etc. (vi) All members should participate in the discussion when it involves internal conflict. (vii)All members should be involved in determining all operating agreements.

3. Project Planning. Notes. This is the determination of the areas to be explored, the allocation of team resources, time allocation, integration of information.

(i) Discuss each goal and thoroughly explore the work to be done. (ii) Allocate primary, secondary and support responsibilities to each member

depending on expertise, experience and level of interest. This is done as a team

exercise. (iii) After responsibilities have been allocated for all projects, evaluate the

workload of each team member to ensure it is equitable. (iv) Establish priorities for projects as some may require the results of another project to

enable completion.

Project Planning

*Primary **1. Immediate Secondary 2. Secondary Support 3. Tertiary.

4. Implementation Planning. Notes. It is important to ensure that the management and staff of the organization are aufait with the goals of the team. It is also important that they ‘buy into’ the program to ensure support to implement the final recommendations.




y Priority

Time for Com


(i) (ii)


Who will be affected by our work? How do we involve them? Who in the organization can provide the information, research background knowledge required to achieve each task. Who in the organization will need to sign off and endorse our recommendations in order to have them implemented? This could include CEQ, CFO, Board of Directors, Department Manager, departmental staff, warehouse, sales, marketing, advertising agency, analysts etc.

Implementation Planning. – Input



Information Required From

Report Findings to

Time Frame

Implementation Planning – Output.


People/Departments Involved

How to Get Onside

Time Frame

