
Marketing in a time of disruptive change – what you know now, no longer applies

Since Bob Pritchard was awarded International Marketer Of The Year a few years ago, the changes in marketing strategy have been dramatic.  The techniques he used to turn around the fortunes of hundreds of companies across the world simply no longer apply.   The rapid change in technology, the 24/7 connected, highly informed customer, the changes in consumer reading, listening and viewing habits, the decline of traditional media and the explosion in new media,  increased market segmentation and an empowered consumer have changed the game.

Corporations, and their marketers are often unsure of which marketing principles still apply in this new highly competitive global environment, which media vehicles to utilize to communicate with their  target audience and surprisingly, at a time of exponential growth in digital  and new media, many companies are struggling with how to use these incredible new interactive tools.

Bob Pritchard shows you how to embrace change, demonstrates which principles that have been the cornerstone of marketing, advertising, promotion and PR for nearly a century still apply, and which do not. He also discusses how critical it is to establish a Consumer Purchasing Benefit that clearly differentiates you from your competitors and provides you with an advantageous value proposition. While brand awareness is no longer of any benefit he shows you how brand equity is absolutely critical to developing loyal customers, word-of-mouth, increased margins, reduced  marketing cost and increased ROI.  He also provides you with dynamic  tools to give your customer a “knock your socks off” experience at every level of your business.

Pritchard provides examples of how to adapt added value and risk reversal principles to new technology applications, highlights the power of emotion in motivating customers to buy, uses clear, simple examples to demonstrate how to utilize each of the major new media platforms to drive sales  and provide extraordinary customer service  and shows you how to not only pay lip service to thinking outside the box, but provides simple examples  to demonstrate.

Find out why Tim Draper, the worlds leading venture capitalist… Hotmail, Skype, Baiduetc… says  “Pritchard demystifies all that is sacred in Business and Marketing.  If you follow him, they will come”

Bob Pritchard BSc. AISMM, CSP

Thirty years as a global business troubleshooter; 1940 business workshops and presentations, including 91 Fortune 500 companies in 63 countries on Change, Leadership, Customer Service, Thinking Outside the Box and Motivation: Daily business newsletter to 1,730,00 business executives. Business Radio Host with an audience of 486,000 business owners and executives.