
Rapid disruptive change is turning Leadership at every level of business, on its head.

Accelerating change is causing us to examine the way we do business, the relationship with our employees and our customers, the way we communicate with them, who we regard as our competitors now and in the future and our relationship with the community.  Leadership still requires an inspiring person with  integrity and a deep-rooted commitment,  who leads by example, who communicates practical and realistic goals in terms of a visionary and idealist.

Traditional structures are not suited to fast changing environments, decisions and strategies must be developed quickly by people at the coal face. This requires the management team  and employees to be trusted and empowered to make timely decisions. Managers at all levels face challenges beyond their individual capabilities, requiring increased emphasis on collaboration, innovation, managing change, building relationships, working across boundaries and  participation management.

At the same time, significant social change is occurring;  roles are changing, men and women are reassessing their work/life balance and responsibilities, generation next is  more fluid and connected, income is much less a determinant of employee satisfaction .

Leaders need to be more empowering, connect using new technologies, make accurate fast-paced decisions, balance priorities, create  fluid structures and flexible processes, leverage diversity, imagination and creativity, encourage transparency, authenticity and accountability and learn to handle environmental complexity,  yet continually incentivate, motivate and inspire their teams.

Relying on management competencies that worked in the past, will then no longer be successful .

Bob Pritchard shows you how to embrace this change, articulate the vision, inspire and empower, provide  effective leadership at every level of the company, unite employees and stakeholders of diverse talents, backgrounds and experiences behind the vision using verbal and nonverbal communication, use new technology to reach and motivate employees and consumers, develop loyal customers and advocates, reduce costs and drive ROI.

Find out why Tim Draper, the worlds leading venture capitalist . . . Hotmail, Skype, Baidu etc. . . says “Pritchard demystifies all that is sacred in Business and Marketing. If you follow him, they will come”

Bob Pritchard BSc. AISMM, CSP

Thirty years as a global business troubleshooter; 1940 business workshops and presentations, including 91 Fortune 500 companies in 63 countries on Change, Leadership, Customer Service, Thinking Outside the Box and Motivation: Daily business newsletter to 1,730,00 business executives. Business Radio Host with an audience of 486,000 business owners and executives.    www.marketforceone.com