Customer Service

Customer Service in a time of disruptive change, requires a paradigm shift in thinking . . . today’s customer service is totally inadequate.

There are a 1000 experts on customer service, unfortunately for business the overwhelming majority of them are experts on yesterday’s customer service.  Technology and an instant gratification consumer, connected 24/7 and seeking information, has changed  customer service  demands.  Traditional methods of customer interaction; gaining trust, developing loyalty and generating word-of-mouth are less relevant, yet PWC research is showing us that customer service is now even more critical to business growth, ROI and pricing strategy than ever.

It is still essential to provide a WOW experience at every customer interaction whether on the phone, on the web, in the store, after sales service, provision of information, follow-up and every other touch point, except this now represents the bare minimum. The way you show respect, understanding, listening, responding and serving has changed as companies now have a direct line to their customers, enabling service, sales and research; customer reaction, both positive and negative, and you can now generate immediate fans or a backlash can occur globally, all instantly.

Companies can readily obtain greater and more in-depth knowledge of what people want and need, ascertain product and business model issues through instant direct feedback. Technology  and social media create the ability for every department in an organization to develop great customer relationships and drive sales. The smart companies are leveraging customer feedback and trends from social media and Web 2.0 technologies. In turn, technology has allowed customers to choose how  and when they interact with companies.

Bob Pritchard shows you how to embrace this change, demonstrates how proactive customer service is not about buying new technology, but requires a change in mindset and a strategy that melds traditional best practices with mobile and social platforms,how to effectively use location-based marketing, blogs, Twitter, Facebook, Foursquare, Instagram, LinkedIn, Yelp. YouTube and other dynamic  tools to give the customer a “knock your socks off” customer experience..

Find out why Tim Draper, the world’s leading venture capitalist. . . Hotmail, Skype, Baiduetc… says “Pritchard demystifies all that is sacred in Business and Marketing. If you follow him, they will come”

Bob Pritchard BSc. BBA. AISMM, CSP

Thirty years as a global business troubleshooter; 1940 business workshops and presentations, including 91 Fortune 500 companies in 63 countries on Change, Leadership, Customer Service, Thinking Outside the Box and Motivation: Daily business newsletter to 1,730,00 business executives. Business Radio Host with an audience of 550,000 business owners and executives.