
Bob Pritchard is an international authority on the rapid technology tsunami which is disrupting every industry.

In the past ten years we have advanced just 1% of the technology revolution, in the next fifteen years we will advance the next 99%.  It is estimated that we will be exposed to 2000 times more information every day than we are receiving today and instead of the traditional internet, the ‘Internet of Things’, already connecting some 20 billion devices, will reach 75 billion by 2020.

Our employees will be more tech savvy, require more flexibility, more responsibility and this will create a significantly different workplace.

Our customers will be more informed, more connected and more socially conscious.

Consumers will get the majority of information thru mobile, digital and social media will be come paramount. Customer centric, location based marketing based on data will be the norm.

Your competition will no longer be someone in the world doing the same thing as you. Think what Apple did to music and what Amazon did to print. The biggest competition to banks is not other banks, it is Blockchain. The biggest threat to the transport industry are drones, the biggest threat to manufacturing are 3D printers. What is the biggest threat to your business?

Technology advances and cloud computing is totally changing how we do business.

Managing this will require extraordinary change in leadership, corporate culture and community citizenship, management, marketing and advertising and customer communication and service.

Bob Pritchard shows you how to embrace this change; provide leadership, motivate employees and stakeholders, use this new technology to reach and drive consumers to purchase, become loyal customers and advocates, reduce costs and drive ROI

Find out why Tim Draper, the worlds leading venture capitalist . . . Hotmail, Skype, Baidu etc. . . says“Pritchard demystifies all that is sacred in Business and Marketing. If you follow him, they will come”

Bob Pritchard BSc. BBA. AISMM, CSP

Thirty years as a global business troubleshooter; 1940 business workshops and presentations, including 91 Fortune 500 companies in 63 countries on Change, Leadership, Customer Service, Thinking Outside the Box and Motivation: Daily business newsletter to 1,730,00 business executives. Business Radio Host with an audience of 550,000 business owners and executives.