Personal & Business Development
Ana Gavia, 26, never intended to become a full-time entrepreneur. Looking for a way to make money while studying podiatric medicine at La Trobe University in Australia, she decided to start a side hustle selling a bathing suit she designed on the internet. She’d grown up on a coastal beach town and had always had…
The newsletter Quality Assurance Report states that only when a company knows exactly what kind of service its customers expect, delivers on those expectations 100 percent of the time, at a price that customers are willing to pay, while still getting an acceptable return, can the company claim to excel in customer service. Northwest Delta…
I am meeting in the next few days with one of the four greatest art forgers in history on a tropical island in Asia. I’m there for 36 hours. Big announcement when I get back next week. Watch this space. Morgan Stanley warns on growing risk of US market ‘downturn’. Wall Street bank’s market cycle…
After seeing startups from the inside and out, from seed rounds to billion-dollar companies, from board meetings and CEO dinners to coaching sessions and leadership retreats – three mistakes get made by companies time and time again: Underestimating the importance of narrative when fundraising (and expecting a good product/solution to speak for itself) Investors invest…
On this 4th of July week, we should celebrate the good things that people do. We should all do what we can to pay it forward and help someone who’s doing it tough at the moment. Im going to tell you about a fantastic idea that I have only just heard about. I love it. While we…