Coworking spaces are becoming very popular with the generations born after 1981. Small Business Trends report that over 2,000 coworking spaces were opened in 2018 alone and nearly half of them were in the United States. To date, it is estimated that there are currently more than 18,000 coworking spaces worldwide. This shift in how people…
Some of the world’s most productive countries, like Norway, Denmark, Germany and the Netherlands, on average work around 27 hours a week They are also among the top ten countries with the highest annual salaries. On the other hand, Japan, notorious for overworked employees, ranks as the 20th out of 35 countries for productivity. Why would…
Attention airline bathroom loiterers: The next generation of Airbus aircraft will track how long you spend in the loo. It’s all part of an effort to make commercial cabins a digitally aware domain. The program is Airbus’s bid to raise the Internet of Things — that buzz-phrase for connected household gadgets—to cruising altitude. The Airbus Connected Experience…
With apps like Seamless, UberEats and Deliveroo, the food delivery market is thriving. But it turns out the process of registering a new restaurant on these apps might not be as stringent as you’d expect. London based Josh Pieters demonstrated how people who think they’re ordering from an established Italian restaurant could end up with a microwave dinner. Pieters and two buddies…