Thirty years experience as a business / marketing troubleshooter and consultant with many of the world’s leading companies, including The Coca-Cola Company, Citibank, Anheuser Busch, Mercedes Benz, Frito Lay and dozens more. In sport, Bob directed marketing programs and corporate relationships for Formula One, The Los Angeles Raiders, World Heavyweight Champion Evander Holyfield, Legends Tennis, Skins Golf, Indy Racing teams and 100 Years of Hollywood film making global celebration.
Los Angeles based businessman, entrepreneur and marketing consultant for 30 years dividing his time between Europe, North and South America, Australia and Asia. Global specialist in business development with SME’s.
Bob hosts The Bob Pritchard Radio Show, a one hour weekly business internet radio program to a global audience of 576,000 people on Voice America Business every Tuesday at U.S. 5pm Pacific time. It is the most successful radio program for entrepreneurs in the world. Now in its sixth year, the program features editorial, over 320 interviews with business leaders, features on entrepreneurs, and interviews with actors, writers, singers, racing drivers, gold medalists and athletes, examining the business behind their success.
Bob’s daily Business Newsletter, “your 30 second daily business read”” is distributed daily to over 1,730,000 business executives throughout the world.
CEO of Marketforce One Business Strategies Ltd., a leading international business development company with offices in the United States, Australia and Europe.

Current President of The American Institute of Sales Marketing and Management, the USA’s leading professional body dedicated to raising the standard and proficiency of both individuals and companies within the Sales, Marketing and Management professions.
Chairman of Countdown Motion Pictures, an alliance of media professionals from the worlds of film, television, digital content and music, whose shared vision of compelling storytelling, stunning visual imagery and strong production values led them to pool their talents and resources in order to create great entertainment.
Chairman of Auran R E Corp, a Hong Kong based group creating investment opportunities with over 60 major major hotel properties globally.
Sponsor of the Pritchard Indigenous Artists Fund at the Australian Theatre Company Los Angeles.
In Q2 2014 Bob was engaged to launch the Hong Kong based start up company CQS international in South America. The company increased its value from zero to $$170MM in four months.

Bob is a member of METal…Media, Entertainment, Technology Alpha Leaders. 2000 members across the United States comprise Media Entertainment Technology Alpha Leaders (METal), an eclectic (invitation-only) organization of billionaires, CEOs, entrepreneurs, technologists, and media/entertainment heads.
Bob is a consultant to Shannons Way, a leading global specialist in Behavioral Change.

Bobs 5th book, “Kick Ass Business and Marketing Secrets”… How to blitz your competition” was released globally by Wiley and Sons in New Jersey (the world’s largest business book publisher) as a hardcover and as an Audio Book. Strongly endorsed by Tim Draper (Hotmail, Skype, Baiduetc,) Alberto Roberes, (Marketing Director Real Madrid, Adidas) Edwin Bessant ( CEO, Global Pharma company, 107 countries)
Seven years marketing Director for Kerry Packers Publishing & Broadcasting Limited (PBL) with media, sports and entertainment interests and a number of years with Rupert Murdoch’s News Limited with media and entertainment related interests in the 1970’s and 1980’s during the time of their strong international expansions.
Winner of the “International Marketer of the Year” award for the global promotion for “100 Years… 100 Movies” in 1999 for the American Film Institute. Other winners of the award include Steve Jobs (Apple), Jeff Bezos (Amazon), Andrew Oh (LG Group), Kenneth Strottman (Strottman International) and Jorma Ollila (Nokia).

Fifteen years experience as a presenter / trainer at over 1,780 conferences, including 91 Fortune 500 companies. This has required a close understanding of the marketplace and its trends and being on panels and advisory committees with some of the world’s top business leaders such as Bill Gates, Steve Jobs, Richard Branson, Dame Anita Roddick, Neil Armstrong.
Bob has been the Keynote speaker for the following major global business events:
- American Advertising Association;
- American Marketing Association;
- The Marketing Forum Europe;
- Marketing Forum Italia;
- American Chamber of Commerce Marketing Forum Australia;
- World CRM Conference France;
- Hellenic Management Institute (Greece);
- Hellenic Marketing Association (Greece);
- American Institute of Sales, Marketing and Management;
- Australian Institute of Sales, Marketing and Management.
Confirming Bob as one of the most relevant and in-demand business speakers in the world today.
Bob has presented to major corporations and associations in: The United States, Canada, Mexico, Puerto Rico, Brazil, England, Wales, Ireland, Scotland, Costa Rica, Germany, Italy, France, Spain, Switzerland, Australia, New Zealand, Singapore, Hong Kong, Thailand, Turkey, Saudi Arabia, United Arab Emirates, Malta, Greece, South Africa, Kenya, Japan, India, South Korea, Indonesia, Netherlands, Belgium, Argentina, Pakistan, Philippines, Austria, Norway, Denmark, Czech Republic, Finland, Hungary, Kenya, Fiji, Greece, Hungary, Malaysia, Monaco, Poland, San Marino, Sweden, Iran.
Marketing Director for the Inaugural Formula One in Australia. Responsible for Government negotiation, establishment of the course, the format and staging of the week long event, all marketing, corporate negotiation, ticket sales, licensing, sponsorships. Led a team of marketing and promotion professionals and hundreds of project specialists.
Joint winner of a Clio award and 4 Silver Telly awards for work with Citibank.
CEO of publicly listed company Powerplay International Limited – a television, media and sports conglomerate, Bob balanced the requirements and obligations of a public company to the Stock Exchange, the market, the corporation, its strategic alliances and shareholders.
Chief Executive Officer of Sportsplay Television Limited – one of the three pioneers of “cable” Television in Australia in 1986.
Chief Executive Officer of The Sydney Football Club – a team in Australia’s premier football competition, The Australian Football League, prior to joining the marketing executive of the Los Angeles Raiders in the NFL. Pritchard took the company to a public listing on the Australian Stock Exchange, a first for an Australian sports team.
Created a customer relationship and “awesome service” program at every level of the business for Nippon Travel (the world’s second largest business travel company), which resulted in a $105 million profit turnaround in the first 12 months of its implementation.
Created a media, in-store, on-pack promotion for Frito Lay in a strategic relationship with Scholastic, which resulted in an increase in sales for Frito Lay of $115 million in a 3-month period.
Has sold over $200 million in corporate sponsorships globally.
Created lifestyle promotions and tie-ins for Coca-Cola in 16 countries, working with licenses, distributors, retailers and media to create major ‘incremental product sales’ programs in individual countries, accounting for different cultures, different regulations and diverse media channels.
Created the 100 Year centenary celebrations of American movies on behalf of the American Film Institute. Worked with all major film studios (the first time they had ever worked together), corporations and media globally. The result was $40 million in sponsorship, 1000 hours of television time on Turner Networks, special edition of Newsweek, promotions in every General Motors and Blockbuster outlet in the USA and a 90 minute global TV special with Tom Cruise and Steven Spielberg.
Tireless worker for charity. Global Ambassador for Kidney Health – Bob was recognized by Her Excellency the Hon. Ms. Quentin Bryce AO, Governor General of Australia for his work with Kidney Health.
Committee member for The Golden Stave, the Music and Entertainment Industry organisation that raises funds for worthy children’s charities.
Television and live performer for 15 years, appearing in some 400 television shows as a singer and actor, several recordings including one top 10 hit, “Goodbye Sam, Hello Samantha”, which reached number four on the Australian top 40 in 1970. Bob also produced and promoted over 50 concerts including 34 at the Sydney Opera House.
Author of 5 best selling business books across the world, Complex Marketing Made Simple. sales exceeding 100,000 copies. Also contributor to magazines on Business, Marketing and Franchising across the world.
World Series Cricket – was the marketing director for the World Series Cricket, one-day cricket revolution in seven countries. Responsibilities included managing and marketing the athletes, marketing, promotion, licensing, television rights, and sponsorship.
Co founder of Masterminds – which worked with hundreds of SME’s to develop business practices; marketing techniques; customer service; generating return on investment; creating Key Performance Indicators, and developing loyal, higher value customers.
Bob’s clients include 91 Fortune 500 companies and includes: 3M, BMW, Microsoft, AT&T, The Coca-Cola Company, Sun Microsystems, Intel, Toyota, Morgan Stanley, Alcatel, Texaco, Ogilvy One, Citibank, Ford, Johnson & Johnson, Century 21, Pfizer, Anheuser Busch, GlaxoSmithKline, Mercedes Benz, AstraZeneca, DeloitteTouche, Hilton Hotels, Prudential Realtors, General Motors and over 1000 more companies.