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SHOW TITLE: Most Advertising is Useless
My guest Scott McKain teaches businesses how to deliver the “Ultimate Customer Experience”. He is one of about 150 living members of the Professional Speakers Hall of Fame. Recognised by Social Media Marketing Magazine as one of the 50 most influential marketing authors on Twitter and GlenJuice. Chosen by Arnold Schwarzenegger to be the emcee and speaker for The Great American Workout, held on the White House lawn with the President, and carried live on CNN and NBC’S “Today” show.
Tod Whipple is a serial entrepreneur. Commercial Real Estate Expert. Technology Ninja and lover of all things Business. He continues to fuel his passion for startups through founded in 2007. In a former life, Tod produced feature films, television and new media projects. Some of his credits include Queer Eye for the Straight Guy for Bravo/NBC, Session 9 for USA Films, and Deadman’s Curve for Trimark pictures to name a few.