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SHOW TITLE: An Effective Website… Attract, Interest, Create Desire, Initiate Action
My guest Mairi Wickett and her husband developed an amazing technology to generate and collect power. This remarkable piece of technology is called The Witt. Basically, The WITT is capable of collecting energy from natural occurring motional energy in water, be it sea river or tidal, from wind, or human/animal movement. It collects energy from chaotic movement in any direction and turns it into useable power. The WITT collects all 6 degrees of motion, clockwise, anti-clockwise, up and down and back and forth at any speed and collecting the power. These units can be built from walnut size up to several metres in size. The business opportunities available for the WITT are extraordinary, advancing the renewable energy market for both industrial and consumer markets. Solar energy does not work 24 hrs a day, and struggles in the Northern hemisphere. Wind energy is directionally dependent and existing energy devices have multiple issues.