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SHOW TITLE: Passion, Dedication, Commitment and Perseverance
My first guest Frank Miles – Speaker, entertainer using comedy, juggling, music and magic, blew away the judges just recently on America’s Got Talent. He began his career by busking at Fisherman’s Wharf, After a major hang gliding accident, Frank died and was revived in the emergency room. …. And now works with the love of his life Jackie rehabilitating orphaned and injured animals at the Valley Wildlife Care.
Kerri Pottharst is a triple Olympian with two Olympic medals, Kerri spent 22 years competing in indoor and beach volleyball. Since retiring in 2005, Kerri divides her time between her three passions – her family, coaching elite-level volleyball, and inspiring people from all walks of life to achieve excellence through her keynote presentations and motivational workshops.
Kerri is the Author of “The Business of being an Athlete”.