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SHOW TITLE: No One’s Mobile Devices Are Safe From Snoopy
My guest Jay Samit Pioneered the first video on computers, the first Internet auction, digital distribution of music, ebooks, and group video chat on mobile devices. Jay has raised hundreds of millions of dollars for startups, sold companies to Fortune 500 firms, and taken companies public. Presently host of the documentary series Wall Street Journal Startup of the Year and the industry’s 2014 Mobile Ambassador. Jays “sweet spot” is disrupting industries with digital innovation. His most recent venture, Realty Mogul, is transforming the $11 trillion US commercial real estate market by bringing transparency and deal flow to the average investor. In their first year they have crowdfunded over $100 million in cash-flowing commercial real estate. His last company ooVoo, with 100 million registered users, was named the 2012 Venture Company of the Year and his video chat app was named best app technology in 2013.